Once again, life has shifted. I love change. I decided to give up my membership as a Certified KonMari Consultant (Marie Kondo). While I have learned a tremendous amount and I still admire and love the technique, I am so taken by other decluttering methods as well.
Feng Shui was my first delve into the art of decluttering and being attuned to the energy in your home.
I think it was my mom who first introduced me to it. I tend to give away a lot of my books, but I still have Karen Kingston’s “Clear your clutter with Feng Shui.”
Since then, I have discovered a bevy of writers on the subject of space-clearing. I’ve shared these before but they are worth giving a shout out again:
1. 10-Minute declutter: hundreds of tips to organize every room in your house by Skye Alexander
2. Feng Shui your life by Jayme Barrett
3. Goodbye, things: the new Japanese minimalism by Fumio Sasaki
4. The Afrominimalist’s guide to living with less by Christine A. Platt
5. The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning by Margareta Magnusson
And I am currently reading and enjoying Gretchen Rubin’s Outer Order Inner Calm. (Thank you, Rachel!)
Recently, I have been introduced to a number of other books on the subject by a librarian in New Jersey (thank you Sabrina!) So, I will have more to share soon.
I originally thought I’d write my October newsletter on decorating with cats. But cats – being so cat-like made this difficult. I haven’t cracked that nut yet. I keep buying cat-friendly furniture but they really rule the roost. If you have any tips for making décor with cats easier, please let me know!
The last thing I wanted to share is that in this new form of embracing all methodologies – and trusting my Spidey instincts, I will continue to do virtual consultations. I have been surprised how beautifully this works. Over facetime or zoom we can do a walk-through of your home and talk about problem spots and solutions! It’s super simple and easy. And the progress made is so lovely. The result is a lift, a breath of fresh air to your home or work-from-home space.
Happy October – wishing you cozy home time with lots of Changes!
I loved reading this! Thank you Rebecca!!